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Arturo Tedeschi

Arturo Tedeschi is a computational design specialist with fifteen years of experience in the avant-garde segment of architecture and industrial design (architecture, music stage design, furniture, automotive, installations, products, footwear). He works as a consultant for leading companies, providing services and training related to algorithmic modeling, complex geometry, digital fabrication, artificial intelligence, data driven design. His longtime research on algorithmic design and parametric modeling is culminated with the publication of the best selling books “AAD Algorithms-Aided Design” and “Parametric Architecture with Grasshopper”. His personal work has been featured in international magazines and exhibited worldwide. He taught and was an invited speaker at Politecnico di Milano, IUAV (Venice), Parsons The New School (New York), The University of Sydney, Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation, University of Edinburgh, AA School (London), Universidad Europea (Madrid), Istituto Marangoni (Milano). In 2019 he was appointed Italian Ambassador for Design by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.